Minggu, 18 Juli 2010

Potret Sungai-Sungai Dengan Tingkat Pencemaran Paling Parah di Dunia

Semakin hari tingkat polusi dan pencemaran lingkungan begitu memprihatinkan, tidak hanya terjadi di Indonesia tapi juga di berbagai negara di dunia terutama negara dunia ketiga atau negara berkembang. Permasalahan ini adalah masalah global, oleh karenanya membutuhkan keseriusan semua pihak untuk mengatasinya, bukan hanya pemerintah atau LSM tapi seluruh lapisan masyarakat.

The Most Polluted Rivers in the World (22 pics)

The Most Polluted Rivers in the World (22 pics)

The Most Polluted Rivers in the World (22 pics)

The Most Polluted Rivers in the World (22 pics)

The Most Polluted Rivers in the World (22 pics)

The Most Polluted Rivers in the World (22 pics)

The Most Polluted Rivers in the World (22 pics)

The Most Polluted Rivers in the World (22 pics)

The Most Polluted Rivers in the World (22 pics)

The Most Polluted Rivers in the World (22 pics)

The Most Polluted Rivers in the World (22 pics)

The Most Polluted Rivers in the World (22 pics)

The Most Polluted Rivers in the World (22 pics)

The Most Polluted Rivers in the World (22 pics)

The Most Polluted Rivers in the World (22 pics)

The Most Polluted Rivers in the World (22 pics)
The Most Polluted Rivers in the World (22 pics)

The Most Polluted Rivers in the World (22 pics)

The Most Polluted Rivers in the World (22 pics)

The Most Polluted Rivers in the World (22 pics)

The Most Polluted Rivers in the World (22 pics)

The Most Polluted Rivers in the World (22 pics)

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